RE: Back to school
We hope you are having an enjoyable break.
The government has mandated that everyone has to go back to school but has assigned the responsibility for health & safety to us. Government is keen to get everyone back to school and is therefore downplaying the risks involved [which may explain why they advise against masks at school]. I would have preferred them to be more candid and say that re-opening of schools inevitably carries a risk [children can be carriers] but that not opening them carries an even greater risk to children’s education and to the economy as a whole. That is why we have had to work hard on measures to mitigate the risk.
Please find attached a ‘summary’ of the things the school is doing in preparation for its re-opening. Needless to say, everything will be kept under constant review and if we find that the virus abates or that testing programmes become available [for schools] or that a vaccine is found, then of course we will adapt accordingly.
We are looking forward to having everyone back at school.
Stay safe and stay well.
Best wishes
Joshua Rowe
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