Summer 2018 is the last year of the OCR Biblical Hebrew GCSE
From Summer 2019 the GCSE will be provided by Pearsons with a new specification which you can access here. Aims The principal aim of the Biblical Hebrew department is to:- • Encourage pupils to study the Tanach • Develop a lasting passion for the Tanach • Create and deepen,within pupils, links to their historical heritage • Encourage students to progress to higher education courses in Hebrew / Theology / Biblical Studies,whether linguistic or non-linguistic. Benefits The study of Biblical Hebrew • Acquaints students with large areas of Tanach that they might not otherwise study • Enables students to acquire knowledge of ancient Israel and to make a personal connection historically, politically and religiously with modern Israel. • Gives students a good Hebrew vocabulary and grammatical knowledge which will help them in future textual studies at school and in Higher Jewish Education The Biblical Hebrew GCSE is delivered in year 9 and year 10 Yavneh Boys and Yavneh Girls. It is a two year GCSE. This qualification focuses on the language and literature, with elements of the culture and history, providing linguistic knowledge. Key Documents ![]()