Uniform List
Pupils, who do not attend school in the correct uniform, will be spoken to by staff. School will be considerate and attempt to establish why a pupil may not be able to attend in the correct uniform. A pupil may be offered a replacement item to borrow if one is available; or, pupils may be given an opportunity to adhere to the correct uniform within a timeframe. However, in certain circumstances pupils may be sent home to correct their uniform or parents asked to bring in uniform items.
If a pupil repeatedly chooses not to wear the appropriate uniform and/or refuses to follow a reasonable request, such as borrowing uniform, then we will issue a consequence in line with our behaviour policy and expectations. Having accepted a place at The King David High School, parents and carers are supporting us in reinforcing our values and high expectations. |
Our school outfitters and uniform suppliers are available online. Customers will be able to click and collect: School Outfitters: Monkhouse School: www.monkhouse.com PT’s Schoolwear: www.pts-schoolwear.co.uk Additional School Uniform Policy and Appearance Code |