Senior Leadership Structure, 2024-25
Senior Leadership Team [SLT]
Interim Head Teacher: Interim Deputy Head Assistant Head: Behaviour DSL: Assistant Head: Personal Development Assistant Head: SENDCO School Business Manager SLT: Pupil Voice, JS SLT: JS PA to SLT Academic Leaders: Academic Lead: Head of Maths: Head of English: Head of Science: Judaism Lead: Head of Sixth Form: Head of Year 12: Head of Year 13: Pastoral Support: Heads of Year: Heads of Year 11: Head of Year 10: Head of Year 9: Head of Year 8: Head of Year 7: Yavneh Boys - Lead: Head of Kodesh Yavneh Girls - Lead: Head of Kodesh Careers: |
Mrs. T. Basger Mr. J. Pitt Mrs. P. Watson Mr. T. Chappelle Mrs. H. Morrissey Rabbi B Rickman Rabbi A Schwartz Mrs A Burton Mr. Z. Christo Mr. M. Milejski Ms. V. White Miss. S. Hirst Rabbi. B. Rickman Mr. E. Sleeman Mr. M. Gandolfi Mr. S. Vincent Sixth Form Voc Co-Ordinator Miss. K. Allwood Miss. K. Barker Mr. D. Curson Mrs. J. Roskin Miss M Zaragoza Mr. G. Leventhall Rabbi. C. Cohen Ms. J. Burberry Mrs. R. Wolf Mr. A. Taylor-Forbes Mrs. A. Burton |