Year 11s had their practice interview with Our Futures today. 20 business guests representing industry, business, planning, education, law, creativity, the arts, medical and pharmacy, gave up their time to interview students and help prepare them for the wider world.
KDHS 6th form was privileged to hear from Nitzan Schlezinger this morning in an extended assembly marking the 1st anniversary of the October 7th massacre in Southern Israel.
Miss Schlezinger spoke about her father who was a paramedic at the Nova Festival and was tragically murdered by Hamas terrorists. Miss Schlezinger relayed her father’s story of that dreadful day with numerous anecdotes and stories that portrayed her father as the hero that he was. He was able to save lives even though his own was forfeit to evil. We, as the KDHS community, pledge to light a candle tonight in his memory, as well as in the memory of the other 1200 victims of terror. May their memories be a blessing, and may the lighting of our candles continue to dispel the darkness we are witnessing around us. Am Yisroel Chai. Sasha Dobkin Year 8 had her induction at Blackpool FC following her selection to their elite coaching pathway programme. This is a 30-week programme where she will receive coaching from UEFA-qualified staff and players from the Blackpool FC Ladies First Team!
![]() The National Skills Challenge is a UK-wide skills building and enterprise programme where students worked in teams to design, promote, and pitch innovative solutions to real-world problems. This engaged students in tasks such as idea generation, product design, and marketing, culminating in a “Dragons’ Den” style presentation competition. Today Y12s took part in this challenge which aligns perfectly with our commitment to fostering creativity, teamwork, and entrepreneurial thinking in our students. The skills they will develop through this process—such as problem-solving, collaboration, and presenting ideas—are invaluable for their future careers and personal development. Two winning teams will be selected from our school to advance to the national finals, where they will have the chance to pitch at NatWest HQ in front of a panel of judges. This is not only a great experience but also a fantastic opportunity for them to grow in confidence and showcase their talents on a national stage. This is a fully funded opportunity for our students and encourages them to tap into their energy and enthusiasm, and especially it equips them with skills that will benefit them far beyond the classroom. We welcome to all the new Year 7s to King David High School and wish them the greatest and happiest 7 years ahead making memories together.
And, as you can see, many more hot lunches and smiles. We will be releasing GCSE results online on Thursday 22nd August. They will be sent out at 8.30 am via the Edulink app, under the ‘Exams’ tab. Once in the tab, please scroll to the 3rd page where you will see ‘Exam Results’. Please note that results will appear on students’ Edulink accounts, but not parents’.
If you or your child would like to discuss results once they have received them you can call the school between 8.30 and 10.30am on the morning of the 22nd August and we will put you through to a member of staff or get someone to call you back. Any student wishing to apply for a Review of Marks for their paper should call school to discuss this further. A form will be emailed to you to complete and return to Mrs Burton. Payment for this is via ParentPay. We wish you every success with your results. We will be releasing A Level results online on Thursday 15th August. They will be sent out at 8 a.m. via the Edulink app, under the ‘Exams’ tab. Once in the tab, please scroll to the 3rd page where you will see ‘Exam Results’. Please note that results will appear on students’ Edulink accounts, but not parents’.
You should also be able to check the Hub section of the UCAS website in the morning to see if your place at university has been confirmed. Students who need help with clearing are welcome to come to school. From 8.30 to 10.30 a.m. there will be a small team of teachers who will be able to assist you. They will be located in the main library. Clearing can be a stressful experience for students. In order to help with this process, if you are coming into school, please ensure that you bring your UCAS personal ID number, username, password and UCAS clearing number (this is issued to students on results day if you are eligible for clearing). If you prefer, you can also call the school and we will put you through to one of the teachers in school or get someone to call you back. You can find details of the clearing process here: Any student wishing to apply for a Review of Marks for their paper should call school to discuss this further. A form will be emailed to you to complete and return to Mrs Burton. Payment for this is via ParentPay. Students from King David High School were invited to support the Greater Manchester Holocaust Memorial Day Service. These 6th form students were accompanied by Rabbi Rickman, Head of Jewish Studies.
Parents Evenings:
Main School Year 7 Thursday 7th March 2024 Year 8 Wednesday 28th February 2024 Year 9 Tuesday 6th February 2024 Year 10 Thursday 1st February 2024 Year 11 Wednesday 6th December 2023 Year 12 Monday 15th January 2024 Year 13 Tuesday 7th November 2023 Yavneh (Boys and Girls) Years 7-9 Monday 18th December 2023 Years 10-11 Tuesday 9th January 2024 Year 12 Monday 15th January 2024 Year 13 Tuesday 7th November 2023 Open Evenings 2023
Open Days offer an opportunity to meet staff and pupils as well as to see our fantastic facilities. We invite prospective parents and pupils to visit King David High School on the following occasions: Main School – Wednesday 1st November 2023: 6.30pm - 8.30pm Yavneh Girls – Tuesday 31st October: 6:00pm Yavneh Boys – Tuesday 31st October: 7.30pm Please contact the main school office for more information. Year 13s MEDSOC students participated in a series of multiple mini-practice interviews. Students
5 minutes at each station, with an interviewer, to test a variety of skills such as empathy, dealing with emergencies, social awareness and numerical reasoning. Is there anything better than cooling down with an ice-pop on a lunchtime?
#IcePopSmiles #Lunchtime #KDCool We held our end of term prizegiving this morning. Congratulations to all our prize winners.
Bronze, silver and gold certificates were awarded for Attainment, Achievement, Progress and 100% attendance throughout the year. Those pupils exemplifying the qualities of Emet and Emunah were also recognised in a prize draw. We hope that even more pupils will be eligible for these awards next year. Schools and youth organisations across the UK in are celebrating Safer Internet Day 2023. Safer Internet Day is a global campaign to promote the safe and responsible use of technology, which calls on children and young people, parents, carers, teachers, social workers, law enforcement, companies, policymakers and more, to help to create a better internet. Using the internet safely and positively is a key message that we promote in school and celebrating Safer Internet Day is a great opportunity for us to re-emphasise the online safety messages we deliver throughout the year. We would be delighted if you could join us in celebrating the day by continuing the conversation at home. To help you with this, the UK Safer Internet Centre have created some free activities and information for parents and carers. Whether you have 5 minutes to start a conversation or hours to spare, there are top tips, quizzes and films which you can use at home with your child. If you have any concerns or questions about keeping your child safe online, please do get in touch with your child’s class teacher or the Designated Safeguarding Lead. ![]()
#SaferInternetDay and links @UK_SIC
Grace Silvert (Y13) with students of other faiths laying wreaths in Manchester on Remembrance Sunday.
Added to the success at A-level this year, we wish congratulations to students who have been awarded places at Oxbridge and to study medicine.
Well done all. Oxbridge
Year 12 Work Experience Week gives students the opportunities to sample office life, field work and to see how they could fit in to real world business and working environments.
Please click on this link and read the thoughts and reflections from Isla Abelson and Sam Pundick on their Work Experience Week. This year, 8 yr12 students have been taking part in an industry mentoring scheme run by ORT Jump, based in London. We are the first school outside of London to take part.
Adiela Levine, Maia Lurie, Emily Radivan, Ayala Aronson, Ari Cohen, Grace Silvert, Freya Taylor, Max Shalks have all gained a huge amount from working with a mentor in their chosen industry, receiving advice, and tips about what it is like to work in that career. 3 travelled to London on 4th July and received graduation certificates alongside their London-based peers. The great success this year owes to participant enthusiasm and diligence and we congratulate them all - well done! We look forward to these students being ambassadors for next year's cohort and for this partnership to go from strength to strength. |
KDHS NewsNews and information from the KDHS Campus Archives
November 2024