Year 12 Work Experience Week gives students the opportunities to sample office life, field work and to see how they could fit in to real world business and working environments.
Please click on this link and read the thoughts and reflections from Isla Abelson and Sam Pundick on their Work Experience Week. This year, 8 yr12 students have been taking part in an industry mentoring scheme run by ORT Jump, based in London. We are the first school outside of London to take part.
Adiela Levine, Maia Lurie, Emily Radivan, Ayala Aronson, Ari Cohen, Grace Silvert, Freya Taylor, Max Shalks have all gained a huge amount from working with a mentor in their chosen industry, receiving advice, and tips about what it is like to work in that career. 3 travelled to London on 4th July and received graduation certificates alongside their London-based peers. The great success this year owes to participant enthusiasm and diligence and we congratulate them all - well done! We look forward to these students being ambassadors for next year's cohort and for this partnership to go from strength to strength. |
KDHS NewsNews and information from the KDHS Campus Archives
September 2024