The King David High School - Campus Office
Key Contacts:
Main School Mrs. T. Basger, Interim Headteacher Mr. J. Pitt, Interim Dep Headteacher, Head of Sixth Form Mrs. P. Watson, Ass Head: Safeguarding and Behaviour Mr. T. Chappelle, Ass Head: Personal Development Mrs. H. Morrissey, SENDCO Rabbi B. Rickman: Pupil Voice, JS Rabbi A. Schwartz: Informal Jewish Educ Mr. A. Taylor-Forbes, Careers Yavneh Boys Mr. G. Leventhall-Airley: Operational/Pastoral Lead Rabbi C. Cohen, Head of Kodesh Yavneh Girls Mrs. J. Burberry: Operational/Pastoral Lead Mrs. R. Wolf, Head of Kodesh Governing Body Mr. J. Dover, Chair of Governors Office Opening Hours: 08.30 - 17.15 Address: The King David High School Eaton Road Higher Crumpsall Manchester, UK M8 5DY Phone: Tel: +44 (0161) 740 7248 Email: [email protected] (Mrs. L. Finn) Twitter: @KDHSchool Instagram: @KDHSchool YouTube: @KDHSLearning Trust Address: as per above. Company Number: 07716057 |