Year 10 Work Experience
We are excited to formally launch our Year 10 Work experience with you, our parent community. Year 10 work experience is planned for the 10th of July 2023 (the penultimate week of Summer Term). We are hoping that this valuable experience will provide our students with an introduction into the world of work through undertaking a work placement on employer premises, carrying out tasks or duties in the role of an employee and learn valuable work skills such as punctuality, communication, commitment and teamwork. Prior to work experience, students will receive the correct preparation regarding how to find their own placement, assistance with being interviewed, advice on travel and health and safety and work. Our partnership with 'Our Futures Ltd' are working with the School in line with all government guidelines. As such, we will check that employers have up to date Employers Liability Insurance at the time of the placement, brief them on work experience and best practice, and undertake health & safety appraisals where necessary to ensure the health, safety and welfare of students. While on placement students will be monitored by a member of school staff so that they can check attendance and progress. WHY IS WORK EXPERIENCE IMPORTANT FOR OUR STUDENTS AT KING DAVID HIGH SCHOOL? Work experience is an opportunity for young people to experience working life while they are still in school. It provides your child a chance to practice vital employability skills that will stand them in good stead for any working professional life. These include;
IMPORTANT NEXT STEPS & DEADLINES Contained on this page, we have enclosed a copy of our consent form that you will be required to fully complete, the Self-Placement process and a Guide to finding a Self-placement as well as the self-placement form. We are hoping to have the fully forms completed forms sent back to us prior to the end of January. Any assistance or support you can provide in the process and working towards our deadlines would be gratefully received. For further information, please do review this informative video and the self-placement guide enclosed. |
Lead: Mr. A. Taylor-Forbes, Admin: Mrs. A. Burton Telephone: 0161 740 7248 Email: [email protected] Year Group Contact: Mr. D. Curson Key Documents Information for Parents Self Placement Guide Self Placement Form Work Experience Consent Form |