Yavneh Yeshiva High School
Yavneh Girls
Dear All
Please see our provisional plan of action for reopening school in September. We are calling it ‘provisional’ because there could be changes in the government’s guidelines.
As you are aware, government guidance [and our ideal] is for all children to return to school in September and to operate as normally as possible. However, pupil and staff safety is the school’s responsibility and if the school feels that the risk is too great [eg, if there is a spike in COVID cases in the area], we will reduce class sizes and operate a ‘rota’ system, with some pupils attending at school and some following lessons remotely from home. As you will see from the plan, the school has equipped classrooms with webcams and microphones so that, should a rota system be necessary, live lessons will be transmitted as they take place.
I hope you all have an enjoyable summer break.
Stay safe and stay well.
Best wishes
Joshua Rowe