The allotment is springing forward with the full involvement of our Nursery kids, Primary pupils, and Secondary students - we are 'growing'! So far seeds have been sown - parsley to courgettes, beans to radishes, beets to nasturtium and so much more!
The sees pots are sheltering in classrooms and inside our colourful tyre beds.
Can you help?
At this point you are probably clearing out for spring; we shall be happy to take anything useful off your hands:
- a shed
- a polytunnel
- a greenhouse
- Planks
- Pallets
- Decking
- Fencing
- pebbles
- Rockery stones
- Paving stones
- wooden crates
- water barrels
- planters
- pots
- Watering cans
- Lining
- Gardening tools (small and large)
- Water hose (at least 30 m long)............
And of course, we will be grateful for your expertise, ideas, advice, participation (lunchtime / frees) and encouragement.
Have you applied for the £500 grant for school allotments?
Have you seen