We are fortunate at King David High School to have a pupil body who are interested in the world beyond their school. Many have been talking to their teachers about what’s currently happening in Ukraine. We are keen to give all our students opportunities to talk about any concerns they may have, and to explore their understanding of what they’re hearing in the news. This week Rabbi Rickman and I will be speaking about the plight of the Ukrainian refugees in school assemblies.
Yesterday we visited the Ukrainian Church on Bury Old Road and spoke to the priest in charge there, Father Taras Khomych. We offered him, his parishioners and the Ukrainian people more widely, the prayers and support of the whole King David and Yavneh communities. They are raising funds through the Association of Ukrainians in Great Britain, AUGB, who have a GoFundMe fundraising page. We feel that this is one of the most effective ways of supporting the Ukrainian refugees. Alternatively, Chief Rabbi Mirvis has recommended the appeal via World Jewish Relief.
You may be aware that some of the party of year 12 pupils and school staff who were in Krakow last week witnessed the beginning of the support the Polish people are offering displaced Ukrainian families. This is a story which is particularly close to our community in so many ways.
We'd like to make you aware of a talk organised by PaJeS (the Partnership In Jewish Education) this Wednesday evening, 9th March 2022, at 8pm that will take place via ZOOM. This is advice and support for parents and guardians to manage children’s anxiety and fears over the current situation in Ukraine.
A flyer for this event and details of how to sign up are available using this link.
A flyer for this event and details of how to sign up are available using this link.
D J Dalziel
Acting Headteacher
King David High School