Sixth Form Lecture Series: SpringDate: 2nd March 2018
After half term, we will be restarting a series of thought-provoking lectures, which proved to be popular last year. These lectures are designed to stimulate thinking and discussion and they are not just exclusive to those students with high academic aspirations, though of course for high-fliers, this kind of thing is an essential component of academic training. Lectures will be held in room 39 periods 7 and 8 on Fridays. Approximate titles are listed but may be subject to change.
For further information and support, please see the academic lead, Mr.Christo. March 2 Martin Portnoy Ernst & Young [Apprenticeships] 9 Rabbi Rickman [Theological discussion] 16 Mr J Pitt [British society] 23 Mr A Cheetham [The Hitler myth] Pesach April 13 Dr L Ivings [Molecular biology] 20 Dr Goodman [Climate change] 27 Ms C Pietralski [Linguistics] May 4 Mr A Taylor-Forbes [tbc] 11 Dr Julie Gottlieb [Women's suffrage] 18 Mrs D Flynn [Shakespeare for life] 25 Ms S Hirst [tbc] |