KDHS in the News 2013-14
Sun 23rd March 2014
Leket bag Pack at Sainsbury's Cheadle |
On Sunday 23rd March, seven Year 9 girls from The King David High School decided to spend their free Sunday morning raising money for their school campus charity entitled Leket. The girls decided to pack people’s shopping at the Sainsburys Cheadle branch. The girls designed their own specific T-Shirts and together with a number of Leket collection boxes they placed themselves in strategic places at the checkouts. They packed shopping and had the opportunity to describe the role of the chosen charity and how the organisation strives to alleviate hunger for children their age in Israel. The event enabled the girls to work together as a team with a unified goal and desire to help others. When talking with the girls they mentioned that they felt that: “It was nice to see how generous people were to give money to Leket Israel. We raised £327, it made us feel so proud to raise this amount of money in such a short time.”
Pictured: Charlie Freeman, Talia Foxler, Georgia Groundland, Georgia Levin, Judith Shonfield, Zoe Vure, Georgia Harris. See more pictures on the Leket School Charity page. |
Fri 14th March 2014
Campus Leket Bingo Raises £3000 |
The pre-Purim Activity Afternoon began with a fund raising bingo session during lunchtime. Rabbi Goodman decided to hold a charity bingo event at lunch time for years 7 – 10 in order to raise money for Leket. The event was a huge success and the students that participated raised £3000 and had a great time whilst playing bingo. ....See the Bingo Gallery Here..... The afternoon continued with lots of fun and
educational activities which were delivered by the Jewish Studies Dept and Aish
Manchester. The activities included Purim treasure hunts and a Purim themed team
building game and many more events.
Students in year 7 also had the chance to learn about separating Challah
and experienced a practical demonstration delivered by Mrs Pearson who is manager
of the kitchens . After her
demonstration students had the opportunity to make Hamantashen which they all
ate by the end of the afternoon. ......See the Activity Gallery Here....
Mon 10th March 2014
Social Media Presentation with @TangerinePR and the Juice Academy |
The Juice Academy offers the UK’s first ever industry-led social
media apprenticeship and they came to talk to the students about an alternative
pathway into the world of work. There is a huge digital skills gap in the UK,
limiting the sector’s growth and prosperity and there are thousands of bright
young people out there, many of whom – due to the changes in university fees -
might decide the apprenticeship route is more attractive than ever. Couple this
with the fact that these young people ‘live’ on social media channels more than
ever before, and the UK’s first workplace-based social media
apprenticeship (The Juice Academy) is born. The course is the brainchild of
Tangerine PR, a Manchester-based PR agency committed to supporting the next
generation of ‘bright young things’ into the marketing profession. For more
information visit http://www.juiceacademy.co.uk/the-apprenticeship/
Fri 7th March 2014
Neil Lazarus, Sixth Form Seminar on News, Media and Context |
Neil Lazarus entertained and inspired our Sixth Form students with a talk about media bias, the Middle East and Israel advocacy. Using news clips he exposed the bias and the agenda of news agencies and a need for all people to understand the context of what they are hear and see on the news.
Tues 11th February 2014
Israel Science Day |
A special day of cutting-edge science lectures were held at KDHS.
Professor Zaccai talked about her research into the identification of the causative genes of rare genetic diseases and aging; Rebecca Khalandovsky talked about using tissue engineering approaches to growing pancreatic cells that can then be implanted in diabetic patients to ameliorate or treat the diabetes; Eyal Baro spoke about a review of and cognitive approaches to understanding Alzheimer’s Disease. These lectures were attended by Y10 superset science students, Y11 separate sciences and students of A level Biology......Continue Reading...... |
Year 13 Science Biology
Nowgen Centre, Manchester |
A Question of Taste
Year 13 Biologists went to the Nowgen Centre in Manchester where they were exploring the correlation between genotype and phenotype. They were investigating their own responses to Phenythiocarbamide and the density of tongue papillae, then examining their own genotype. This involved isolating their DNA and using PCR (polymerase chain reaction) to amplify a specific gene TAS2R38, which encodes a specific taste receptor. They digested their DNA with Hae III restriction endonuclease to look for the presence of specific alleles for this gene. The was a fantastic opportunity to put their understanding of the theory behind modern genetic techniques into practice. |
Fri 7th February 2014
Y11 and 6th Form Science Masterclass on 'Computers and the Brain' with Prof.Steve Furber |
Professor Steve Furber FRS, CBE, is Chair of the Computer Science department at the University of Manchester. His lecture was about ‘Computers and Brains’, attended by Sixth Formers and Year 11 students. He gave a fascinating insight into the development of modern computers, including the importance of British scientists in the design of computer chips at the heart of portable computers......Continue Reading.........
Wed 5th February 2014
Sixth Form and Year 11 Assembly with David Bouskila, former Mayor of Sderot |
Rabbi Rickman was delighted to welcome and introduce Mr David Bouskila the former Mayor of Sderot. “There are individuals in our community that dedicate their lives to Am Yisrael and Medinat Yisrael, people who experience life very differently from the way we do in the UK.”
Students from years 11-13 listened to Mr Bouskila describe life in a town where 15 seconds is often the difference between life and death. Students were shocked to hear how different life is for people living in Sderot; playgrounds with bomb shelters, schools with special protective windows that can’t open, children as young as two knowing what to do when a siren is sounded and how the first words spoken by children are Tzeva Adom- red colour the siren that is sounded when a rocket is imminent. Mr Bouskila presented the economic dilemma of spending $128,000 to send two rockets to knock down the makeshift ones coming in from Gaza that cost a few hundred dollars to produce. The community is proud and strong and thanked the help they received from JNF UK for building a playground for the children of Sderot. L-R: Dana Kirsch, Hannah Waxman, Ilana Finke, Rafi Rubin, Sam Pliener, Rabbi Benjy Rickman, Mr David Bouskila the former Mayor of Sderot. |
Tuesday 28th January 2014
BBC Asian Network and Radio Salford Reports on HMD at KDHS |
Here are two radio recordings reporting on the Holocaust Memorial Day commemorations at King David High School with KD Grammar and MIHSG.
The first is the from the BBC Asian Network, first broadcast on 28th January 2014. The second is from the "Jewish Hour" on Radio Salford, first broadcast on 27th January 2014. |
Monday 27th January 2014
'Holocaust Memorial Day' Assembly |
Sunday 26th January 2014
Manchester Jewish Museum and KDHS Pupils marks Holocaust Memorial Day with exhibition and performances |
To mark International Holocaust Memorial Day, Manchester Jewish Museum remembers the stories of Kindertransport children and artist Gary Spicer makes a personal encounter with the Holocaust.
To mark Holocaust Memorial Day, Manchester Jewish Museum will open a new exhibition ‘Encounter with the Holocaust’ on Sunday January 26. The museum will also host a series of performances based on the stories of Kindertransport children. This year’s chosen theme for Holocaust Memorial Day is ‘Journeys’, intended to remind us that forced journeys are characteristic of the Holocaust and subsequent genocides. Continue Reading.......... Article from Culture24.org |
Sunday 19th January 2014
Weizmann Institute Safe Cracking Competition, 2014. |
Year 12 had an experience in the real world of science that they will never forget. KD once again took part in the Weizmann institute safe cracking competition. It was a thoroughly enjoyable day and the culmination of many months hard work as the students planned and built their entry.
Continue Reading........ |
Friday 17th January 2014
83 Y9 Pupils and their Amazing Shabbaton to Kingswood, Sheffield. |
A record number of pupils enjoyed a fantastic weekend away on the year 9 Shabbaton over the 10th-12th of January. The Kingswood Centre , Sheffield, was the setting for 83 King David pupils and students from King David Liverpool, who returned from the experience declaring that, ‘it was one of the best weekends ever’.
After a coach ride, which set the tone for the weekend,the children were welcomed to the centre and given time to prepare for Shabbat. A number of the staff remarked on how smart and well-presented the pupils looked, showing that they clearly respected the need for dignity as well as celebration. Continue Reading....... |
Monday 9th January 2014
KDHS Celebrating Oxbridge Offer Success |
Offers from other top universities such as Imperial, Durham, Bristol, UCL, LSE, Kings, Manchester, Birmingham, Leeds etc have also been outstanding . Medical students generally hear about their applications later in the year, but one student, Fabianne Viner has already received an early ‘offer’ from UCL.
Cambridge Offers: Harry Lewis – Economics; Shmuli Tesler – Economics; Mia Hamburger – Theology and Religious Studies; Tamar Prais [YAVNEH ] – Mathematics; Gabi Lapedus –English; Cambridge ‘Pooled’ Students: Joe Landes – Natural Sciences; Ellie Hyman - English Oxford Offer: Daniel DeWijze – Science |