KDHS Complaints Procedure
At The King David School we have an ‘open door’ policy and welcome comments from and communication with parents of children at the school and from any member of the public. If a parent has any complaint / concern regarding their child [or indeed any other complaint] at school, they are invited to call the school office to make an appointment for an informal meeting with the Head or Deputy Head. Such a meeting will be arranged within 14 school days. If the parent is not satisfied and wishes to escalate the complaint, they should write a formal letter to the Head Teacher setting out the grounds for their complaint. The Head Teacher will respond within 14 school days. If the parent or the school feel that a further meeting would be useful, they may request it (in writing) and such a meeting will be held within 14 school days from the date of the request. The school’s response will follow within 10 school days. If the parent wishes to escalate the complaint further they should write to the Chair of Governors (via the school office) and the Chair will arrange to meet the parents within 10 school days. Following that meeting, the Chair will respond within 10 school days. If the issue is not resolved or if the parent prefers and notifies the Chair in writing, the Governors will arrange for a panel which would normally (though not necessarily) consist of the Chair or Deputy Chair, one Governor and one external / independent individual (independent of the management and running of the school) to hear the complaint. Parents may attend the panel hearing and may be accompanied (if they so wish) by a friend or advisor. The decision by the panel will be communicated to the parent(s) within 14 school days. A copy of the panel’s findings and recommendations will be provided to the complainant and, where relevant, the person complained about. A copy will also be available for inspection at the school office. Records of all complaints and outcomes will be kept by the school. Such records will be kept confidential [unless instructed otherwise by the Secretary of State or by a body inspecting under Section 109 of the 2008 Act] If the complainant has exhausted the school’s complaints procedure and is still not happy, they can submit a complaint to the ESFA Timelines Parents of King David pupils may lodge a complaint (concerning a KD pupil) at any time. Except in exceptional circumstances, parents of former KD pupils should lodge their complaint (latest) within 12 months of the pupil’s leaving date. Members of the public may lodge a complaint at any time. This complaints procedure covers complaints relating to pupils or indeed any other complaint. |